Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Beginnings!

As most of you know, the lease at my apartment is up at the end of the month..well, technically not until September 13th but that is because they gave me a notice to let them know less than 60 days before it was supposed to be over, and refused to let me out at the end of August, so I am now being prorated for the first half of September.. Annyyways, that's another story.
The good news is after I was stressing SO incredibly much trying to find somewhere within my budget to stay, find decent roommates, or just bite the bullet and move back to Price.. Trace and I decided to get a place of our own and we found a gorgeous house to call our own. Renting, of course. It is 4 floors, but it's not as big as it sounds--although, it's not as small as it looks either. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living areas and a study, which will be my craft room! I have wanted a craft room SO badly!! I am going to be able to paint, decorate, and create projects with plenty of space and not have to use up half of the time getting everything out and putting it away! I am SO excited.
Just wanted to give an update :)