Monday, April 11, 2011


Well, it's official. One week ago to Orlando--leaving May 11th, that's a Wednesday. Kat is also flying out. Her, Amanda and I are going to have fun in the sun at Disney World (for free!) on Thursday and Friday, a full day of sunshine at the beach on Saturday, and then on Sunday--Kat will fly home and we'll be starting our road trip. I am SO EXCITED. I have always wanted to go to DisneyWorld. I was pretty bummed we couldn't go in August when I drove there with her--although we did go to Downtown Disney, it just wasn't the same--but it's just so expensive!! Now, we get two days in DisneyWorld... for FREE! Ahhhh.. I love it.

I am SO excited to do Road Trip #2! Two road trips, across the country, in less than one year. I am so excited I have this opportunity, yet again. Last August we went through Nebraska, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, etc...and This time we will be traveling through the lower states--going through Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico.. What an experience. Ahh..
I find so much joy in traveling. In fact, I don't think joy is even the right word to describe it.. more like.. bliss.. I get this overwhelming feeling of just, tranquility.. I love traveling places. I love exploring new places, I love chaos in the fact of being somewhere different.

Woohoo! Just thought I'd post an update!