Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One checkmark at a time, the list will SLOWLY melt into nothing.....hopefully!

Today was a fairly good day actually. Although I am super overwhelmed with everything right now, it feels nice to know I have completed even just a few of what is on my HUGE to-do list. :) I feel accomplished...even though I have a ton more to do.. One step at a time Nicole! I tend to overwhelm myself, because I think too far ahead into the future and stress about stuff that doesn't necessarily need to be thought about right now--but, that's who I am I suppose.

Graduate school application is that much closer to being done---which means that the GRE exam is that much closer to being taken, YIKES! I must get my brain in the mood to start absorbing the information in both of the books I have bought, as well as Annie's. C'mon brain, you can doooOoo it. hah. We'll see about that.

I have been having some hard times lately with some flashbacks and realities of the experiences I've been faced with, both in the distant and close past. I have been trying to deal with them as they come, but some are harder than others. I'm not sure how to take all of this, but all I know is it's leading me to be more confused and frustrated as they keep coming up. I dunno, I know I'm strong enough to conquer all of this--but one of my fears is if I keep proving to myself that I can do such amazing things, and get through some unimaginable struggles on my own--and relationships have proven to be nothing but brutal, horrible pain for me-- what if I end up alone, subconciously by choice? Just something I've been thinking about..

Anyway, Rascal is laying next to me passed out, and I'm starting to become jealous of how comfy he looks. I'm getting tired, and it's picture day tomorrow at work! (Us teachers get a HUGE packet of our pictures for free, I guess--therefore I'll probably be using them for my Graduation in May...well okay, maybe not--but I could! haha)

Til next time! :)